Tuesday, March 2, 2010

baaaaaww threads

my favorite threads are "baaawww threads"... usually someone will start a baww thread because they have broken up with their girl/boyfriend or friends/family have died. a bunch of people get together and post sad pictures and everyone ostensibly cries together. i always read baaawww threads, sometimes they seem whiny, but regardless of the kind of people they are, they are very lonely and getting together to share their loneliness somehow makes it okay.

in a small community, people could get together and shoulder burdens together, the way amish people build houses, but in our increasingly convenient and egalitarian world, on the road to becoming rugged individuals, people have stopped seeing a need for each other, at least, on a local level. i don't know any of my neighbors, and i don't really care to.

i like baawww threads for the same reason i like sad songs. you read it, and you feel sad, but you realize someone else felt the same way, because they made the thing you are looking at, and that makes things a little less sad.

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