Friday, February 26, 2010

gore threads

recently there was a photo recovered from some animal rescue site. it was of a dog's ear, which was covered in ticks. apparently ticks look like warts of pustules when they are filled with blood. it makes me cringe to look at it. maybe it's the sheer number of them, or the texture. i don't know, it's incredibly repulsive, as are most gore threads.

but lately i can't stop looking at them. even though i get this horrible feeling of disgust, i keep looking. i kind of crave the feeling in a weird way. i'm not sure what it is.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

the Epic Beard Man Saga Continues

regardless of who started this, EBM obviously has some mental problems. at 2:50 he says he's a vietnam vet and then starts crying about how his mom died. that breaks my heart.

if not for Youtube and 4chan, no one would ever know about this guy. he'd be just another crazy dude on the street.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

call an amber lamps

every time i watch this video i smile and chuckle and have the urge to watch it again,... and every time i watch it, just a little bit of me dies inside.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

standing on the teeth of the internet

i had a conversation with a friend of mine recently, and it went like this:

me: "dude, do you read 4chan?"
friend: "yes, totally."
me: "it's great, it's like the raw ingredients of some kind of cultural stew."
friend: "I like to think of it as, standing on the teeth of the internet and basking in its drool and projectile vomit."
me: "hmmm. you're right. but sometimes, it vomits beauty or comedic gold."

we nod.

but most of my friends, especially the ones who are in their mid to late 20s and who plan on living lives in line with most of society can't really stomach the site. truth be told, sometimes it bothers me too, but i definitely think there is something beautiful there.

one of the features of 4chan, and part of what makes it so emotionally raw is that it's completely anonymous and also does not keep record of anything... once a thread disappears, it's gone forever.

so this is a blog, which i've started to keep track of those undigested bits of corn that somehow moves me in one way or another and to present it to you, whomever you might be that can't stomach it.